Assessing Climate Vulnerability

Climate hazards can take a toll on organizational and community investments, be it transit infrastructure, wastewater assets, energy systems, population health risks, or supply chain interruption. Assessment of vulnerability to climate change is the analysis of the extent to which a species, habitat, ecosystem, community, organization, or supply chain is susceptible to harm from climate change impacts. The vulnerability assessment is an integral component of the climate adaptation planning process, and the appropriate first step in addressing risks.

paleBLUEdot provides services to communities to help them identify and quantify climate vulnerabilities in their community or organization.  A Climate Vulnerability Assessment begins with an identification of the current and projected climate changes specific to the location.  The assessment then identifies the climate vulnerabilities in a community's region as well as specific vulnerabilities within the community itself.  Vulnerabilities reviewed include risks associated with natural systems, the built environment, as well as an identification of vulnerable populations.  Vulnerabilities are then quantified and mapped within the organization or community. 

Once an assessment is complete, a Climate Adaptation Plan can then be developed to identify a range of policies and strategies to help the community improve their resilience and climate risk preparedness.